The Danish Museum of Science & Technology

Danish Museum of Science & Technology

The Danish Museum of Science and Technology was established in 1911 by Håndværkerforeningen (the trade guild) in Copenhagen and Industriforeningen (the industrial association), today the Confederation of Danish Industry. However, the collections of the museum date even further back. For instance, you find Ole Rømer’s prototype for measure and weight from the 17th century and H.C. Ørsted's collection which, among other things, includes the objects he used to discover electromagnetism in 1820 which made him world famous.

Originally, the museum was situated at Polyteknisk Læreanstalt (technical university), today the Technical University of Denmark, but was moved to Elsinore in 1965 where it has been ever since. Since its foundation, the museum has built up a collection of objects which are among the best in Europe.

Today, the museum holds several large collections of objects, e.g. from the large Industrial Exhibition in Copenhagen in 1888 and from the old Technical University. Moreover, the museum has received large collections from Denmark's Airplane Museum in Billund, the Danish Patent Office’s collection from the Tage Schouboe Museum, the Zone Salvage Corps, the Road and Bridge Museum and the collection about the inventor Ellehammer.
